Category Archives: dogs

How To Become a Dog Trainer: Helpful Hints

dog trainer

Let’s face it. You love dogs! You feel like you really connect with the canine world and understand doggie behavior. As a result, you want to become a professional dog trainer and you are comfortable with the idea of devoting your time and energy to the well being of these amazing creatures.

Unfortunately, you cannot track down any kind of mandatory state or federal certifications that will allow you to make it official and share your expertise with the dog owning public. You ask yourself, what does a person need to do to become a dog trainer? Continue reading and we will help show you how you, too, can become a dog trainer.

Educate Yourself

Since there currently are no state or federal requirements in place for what is needed to be a professional dog trainer, one of the most important things you can do is learn as much as possible about dogs and dog behaviors. This means reading books, watching videos and spending as much time as you can around dogs.

Two good places to start are your local library and the internet. At your local library, you should be able to find books on the topic of dog training and the various methods that experienced dog trainers use in their field. The internet is also a valuable tool to utilize, with videos and articles about all things dog training.

There are also dog training certification programs available that you can participate in for hands on instruction. However, the first step to becoming a dog trainer is to get a dog that you can train.

Sign Up For an Obedience Class with Your Dog

An excellent way to see what is involved in a typical dog training session is to take part in one. If you have a dog, you also have the perfect opportunity to get out there and get your feet wet.

There are many ways to get into a class. Various pet supply stores offer in-house training at their locations that puppy parents and their dogs can take part in. Maybe you may want to go the route of doing an in-home private session with a trainer. Perhaps you may want to try both ways?

If you are in a class with other dogs and parents, you will get to see how the training is carried out in a group. Being in a group also exposes you to different people and dog breeds, both of which are valuable experiences. In a private session you have the dog trainer at your disposal and will have lots of opportunities to ask questions and pick their brain, so to speak, about the world of dog training and how to get started.

Breed Exposure

Try and expose yourself to as many breeds of dog, and dogs in general, as possible. Visit with friends who have different kinds of dogs or volunteer at animal shelters, which always have a myriad of dogs.

You may also choose to spend time volunteering or working with a rescue that is breed specific. Fortunately, most of these organizations can always use the help. The Internet can assist you in tracking down these organizations and point you in the right direction.

Apprenticeship and Practice

After you feel comfortable in the fun and challenging world of dog training, see if you can find a dog trainer to take you under their wing (or paw) so that you can learn the ins and outs of the business.

An apprenticeship will allow you to see how somebody makes a living as a trainer. Working with somebody in the business will also be helpful when it comes time to create a resume or portfolio of your work and experience. Another great way to hone your skills is to volunteer at animal shelters and offer to train and work with the dogs there.

Helpful Hints for a Future Dog Trainer

  • Set realistic expectations. It could take months or years to hone your craft.
  • A good dog trainer is always learning new things and seeking out information.
  • Keep detailed notes of your experiences & knowledge development.
  • Training is about working with dogs & their people – expect to encounter all kinds of personalities.

Working with dogs and their families can be a very rewarding and uplifting experience. For NuVet, keeping dogs healthy is rewarding, which is why we created NuVet Plus.

NuVet Plus is a nutritious vitamin supplement for dogs and cats. We regularly receive testimonials from happy NuVet families about how NuVet Plus has helped improve the health of their pets.  Learn more about how NuVet Plus can help improve the health of your pet.

5 Steps and Tips to Biking with Your Dog

biking, Fido, dog

If you are a bike-riding enthusiast and have considered biking with your dog by your side, continue reading. NuVet Labs, your pet’s best friend, list some important information about what you will need, what you should do and what to consider before taking Fido for a bike-run.

Dog Biking Supplies:

  • A non-tangling leash
  • Body harness
  • A lead baton
  • Reflective lights or tape – Reflective vests specifically made for dogs are also available
  • A collapsible container to hold water.

Step 1

Make sure to clear all physical activity that you and your pet plan on undertaking with your veterinarian first. Chances are you will get the green light. However, your veterinarian may also shed some light on something regarding your dog’s health that could surprise you, like hip or joint problems your pup may have.

Step 2

Get your dog familiar with your bike by walking your bike and your dog at the same time. You can also get an idea of your dog’s comfort level regarding the bike. Continue to do this until you feel your dog is ready for the next step.

Step 3

It’s time to get on the bike! Make sure that you ride at a pace that is easy for your dog. Like Fido, there is going to be a learning curve for you as well. Riding a bike with your dog running next to you is going to take some time for you to get used to.

Step 4

Bike with your dog consistently and regularly so you can build up Fido’s endurance. Before you know it, riding your bike with your dog will be easy.

Step 5

Enjoy the exercise benefits of a healthy, low-impact bike ride and the emotional benefits of spending quality time with your pup.


  • Make sure your dog is suited for exercise. Certain breeds of dogs are not designed for endurance exercises and may get overheated, or will just be plain miserable.
  • If your dog is overweight, it’s a good idea to work on reducing his weight before beginning strenuous exercise.
  • Don’t leave your dog attached to the bike if you are not on it. Your bike could fall on your dog and cause injury.
  • Don’t attach the leash to the handlebars while riding as this cold turn the wheel and cause an accident or difficulty steering and balancing.
  • Biking with a puppy is not recommended. They are too small and more prone to injury.
  • Consider another way of transporting a puppy or smaller dog on your bike. There are baskets on the market that can be attached to your bike for this purpose.
  • Consider a dog trailer for your bike if you have an older dog or a larger dog that is not suited for running.
  • Don’t get frustrated with your pooch if she doesn’t really take to biking. It’s not for every dog.
  • A bike designed for trails, with wider tires is better suited for dog bike-running.

Pet Health

One way you can get your dog in running mode is by making sure they are in good health. You can help get your dog healthy by adding a nutritional supplement like NuVet Plus to their diet.

NuVet Plus is comprised of highest quality, natural ingredients and manufactured in an FDA approved lab. Trusted by dog parents around the United States and Canada, NuVet Plus has been chosen by the discerning families of canines for the benefits they have seen their dogs gain from a daily regimen of NuVet Plus.

The NuVet Plus supplement strengthens the immune system, promotes a healthy skin and coat, supports ear and eye health, improves digestion, and more. Dogs with joint issues have also benefited from NuJoint Plus, a nutritious supplement especially designed for joint health.To learn more about exceptional NuVet products, please visit

Why Exercise Is Important For Your Pet

pets, exercise

Just like your human family members, your new pet needs plenty of exercise in order to live a healthy, happy life. However, it’s important to recognize your new addition’s limits. Then, you can develop an exercise routine that is appropriate for your puppy or kitten’s size, breed and temperament.

Your veterinarian can help you create an exercise routine that is beneficial for everyone in your home. Proper exercise can help diminish destructive behavior, avoid hyperactivity, develop good social skills, improve sleeping habits and allow your pet to maintain a healthy weight.

Beginning to Exercise

There are a few key things you must consider before beginning an exercise routine with your new puppy or kitten. For starters, you must make sure that both you and your pet are in good shape to exercise. You may want to consider a slight warm-up routine before you start with the rigorous exercise program.

For instance, start your puppy off by letting it run in circles a few times before taking a short walk. When you are done exercising, you will want to let your pet stretch a bit in order to prevent injury. Hold out a treat in front of your animal in order to make them take a bow and stretch their muscles.

Note that you can exercise your dog or kitten both indoors and outdoors. It is just important to choose a spot that is safe and comfortable for you and your pet. You don’t need a lot of supplies in order to work out with your pet — simply invest in a leash if you are taking your dog outdoors or buy a few toys that might stimulate some activity.

Exercise Tips for Puppies

  • Talk to your veterinarian about types of exercise that would be beneficial for your new pet. For example, a pug has a short and flat nose and might have a difficult time breathing on an extended walk or during vigorous exercise. Likewise, young puppies should not go on walks that are too long, as their bones are still growing and developing.
  • Include brain exercise routines to help develop your new puppy’s mental skills. Puzzle toys are perfect for helping your dog learn how to find treats and explore appropriate spaces. For example, a Kong is a common puzzle toy. This toy allows you as the pet owner to store a treat in the Kong toy. Your dog will have to think about how it will retrieve the snack. It not only keeps your dog occupied, but also provides your pet with mental stimulation.
  • Disguise exercise with fun play activities. A daily dose of playing will help you bond with your puppy, as well as get them to use up some of their excess energy. Fetch is always a great choice, and also teaches your dog a few things about obedience along the way.

Exercise Tips for Kittens

  • Kittens will get most of their exercise through play activities, and you should make it a point to play with your cat at different intervals throughout the day. At a minimum, cats should receive about 10-15 minutes of one-on-one play time with you.
  • Consider purchasing a scratch post or climbing tree for your new kitten. These toys encourage them to stretch their new muscles and develop good habits. A scratch post gives them an appropriate place to use their claws. It also helps file down the sharp points on their claws.
  • Be your kitten’s play mate. Remember, your cat’s no longer with its siblings, which help to teach it a lot of its social skills. Let your kitten romp with you, and gently let your new pet know when it is playing too rough.

In addition to developing a well-rounded exercise routine for your pet, you also need to make sure all of their nutritional needs are being met. Choosing a healthy pet food with plenty of protein is a good start, but don’t forget to include pet nutrition supplements such as the one’s offered by NuVet Labs. The NuVet puppy and kitten supplements are designed to enhance your pet’s diet to ensure it is getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals, allowing it to have the best start in life.

Agility Training For Dogs: The Basics

agility training, dogs, nuvet

Dog agility training is a wonderful activity for many reasons. For example, agility training allows your dog to get mental and physical exercise. It is a fun, but serious, game for your pet; and most importantly, it creates a special bond between the two of you that strengthens your relationship. However, before starting to train your dog, you should know the basics.

What Is Agility Training?

In the simplest terms, agility is an obstacle course for your dog. Dog agility is a popular sport with competitive events. The handler directs their dog to complete various tasks, including going through tunnels, over tables, moving boards, jumping over bars and weaving through poles.

The agility course mimics movements that your dog would utilize if they were hunting. For example, jumping over logs, climbing steep surfaces, squeezing between bushes, and running quickly to catch up with prey. The agility obstacles help fulfill your pups natural instincts.

You (the handler) and your dog stay in constant contact through body language and quick verbal cues. Your canine family member relies on you to guide them through the course.Trust, clear communication, and teamwork are essential for success at the sport and in creating a stronger bond between you and your dog. Assisting your dog through agility courses will also help reinforce basic obedience commands that are used in everyday life.

Your Dog…

All breeds and sizes can participate in agility training and competition. However, you must evaluate your dog’s physical and mental health to determine if he would do well with agility. In order to be a good fit, your dog should respond well to your commands and enjoy being around people and other dogs.

The pace and demands on the body require that your dog be in good physical health. Joints can take a beating in agility, so consider adding NuJoint Plus dog hip and joint supplement and NuVet Plus from NuVet Labs to your potential competitor’s diet. If your dog doesn’t enjoy running or marches to the beat of his own drummer, he may not enjoy agility.

…And You

Just like your dog, you must possess the physical stamina to complete agility courses. You can navigate from a distance if running isn’t for you, but it requires specific instruction from a qualified trainer.

You should also consider the time and money you have to put towards the sport. To reap the full benefits of agility – bonding, exercise and mental stimulation – you have to work at it regularly. Whether you attend a group, a private agility class, or you purchase equipment to train at your home, cost is a factor. Quality equipment is essential for your dog’s safety.

Getting Started

If you decide to embark on agility training with your dog, begin by assuring his physical health. Agility is a great form of exercise for your canine companion. It will help him strengthen his muscles, stay fit, improve endurance, and burn excess energy.  Before beginning your agility training, start your dog on the right foot by putting him on the path to perfect health with a high-quality nutritional supplement.



4 Basic Tips For Any Dog Training

Dog Training

dog training

You love your dog. You always try to learn as much about caring for them as you can. From regular vet visits to daily NuVet Plus pet supplements, you never miss a chance to take care of your furry friends.

They make you smile, show unconditional love, and keep you company. Many days they are the brightest part of your life. However, that doesn’t stop you from wanting good behavior from them.

Training is a big commitment, and starting off on the right foot is essential to success.
Before your canine companion picks up too many bad trends, there are four basic and manageable tips that can make any dog training regimen more productive.

Be Consistent

No matter what you are trying to teach your dog or what method you are employing, the only way to get good results is through consistency. As intelligent as dogs really are, they won’t always be able to understand the subtle distinctions that make a behavior okay sometimes and not others.

If you don’t want your dog to jump on guests, then they should never jump on you. If the dog does not understand a command, then you must stick with them and show them what you mean every time until it becomes clear.

Consistency extends beyond training. Consistent nutrition is as important for the animal as it is for you, so don’t forget to provide your pup with a daily nutritional pet supplement.

Be a Teacher

In many ways teaching a dog is like teaching children. When nuanced communication is impossible, instructions need to be simplified and repeated.

Just like a child, a dog will wear down and become bored when training sessions continue for too long. You can break up the learning with physical activity to invigorate your pet and keep the environment positive.

Another parallel is in increasing complications. When you teach a dog to stay, you begin by remaining close and keeping the dog focused on your command. As their understanding and discipline grows, you can add more distractions and give the command from farther away. All lessons should develop like this, only expecting advanced results after the basics have been mastered.

Be Positive

Just like humans, dogs react to positive reinforcement. If you focus too much on correction and things done wrong, the dog will get discouraged. However, negative reinforcement is unavoidable so try to keep positive reinforcement in mind as well.

Patience and encouragement is vital for creating an environment that makes it clear to them which behaviors are correct. Positive reinforcement does not have to be used just during training. Whenever your dog is being good, take a moment to let them know. As much as they love treats and their Nuvet Plus, even a kind word or a reassuring pat is enough to convey the message.

Be Precise

A dog’s sense of timing is different from yours, so whether you are praising or correcting, you need to time your words correctly. They won’t understand if you are praising them for something they did a few minutes ago.

Likewise, corrections need to be expressed during the undesirable behavior. Dogs live in the now, so they will always think that your actions are based on what is currently happening. If your timing is off, wait patiently for the next opportunity.

Keep in mind these key behaviors and you are sure to have success in your dog training efforts. Training your dog properly allows you both to get the most out of your lives together and spend your energy on health, happiness and fun.

If you are looking for more ways to do right by your favorite animals, feel free to check out Nuvet online. You can also follow Twitter @NuVet for helpful tips and tricks!